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Ikan Bilis Powder

Ikan bilis powder

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One of most rewarding things about keeping a recipes blog is that I get to learn many neat tricks and tips from my readers. When I posted my recipe for ikan bilis (anchovies) stock a while back, a reader lynette shared this awesome idea:

“I hate the freezer space that the anchovies takes so I bake them and then use the blender to turn them into ikan bilis powder. It’s my secret ingredient to all my soups. A giant plastic bag turns into a handy small jar. We use the ikan bilis that has been cleaned (i.e. without the heads and entrails) as it has a lower cholesterol content but retains its calcium value.”

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and then adding on to this comment, another reader jsager shared:

“With ikan bilis in powder form, there is no waste or boiled-out ikan bilis to throw away. More importantly, if the backbone has not been removed (as happens in some of the super clean ikan bilis you find in the stores nowadays), you will get a very healthy dose of good calcium, that most of us are short of.”

Grinder Blades

Grinder Blades

I was sold. I embarked on making the ikan bilis powder with the help of my oven and electric grinder, finding the process satisfying and effortlessly easy. This is a great condiment for porridge (baby food!) and also a secret ingredient for many Chinese dishes, particularly soup and stir fries. These ikan bilis have a naturally sweet and salty taste that complements many types of savoury dishes.

Printable Recipe >>

(with oven temperature, measurements and printable view)

 Step by Step Description
Rinsing Ikan Bilis (Anchovies) First, rinse the ikan bilis (anchovies) in a few changes of water. This will reduce the excess saltiness. Ikan bilis come in vary degrees of saltiness depending on the type you buy and as a general guide, I recommend rinsing them in two changes of water; but if your ikan bilis is the extra-salty variety, you may need another 1-2 rinses. At the same time, do not over-rinse the ikan bilis; the ikan bilis powder needs to be quite salty to work its magic as a seasoning condiment.
Baking Ikan Bilis After washing the ikan bilis, pat dry on paper towels and arrange them one flat layer on a baking tray. For best results, allow to air dry before baking in the oven.
4982990168_011f96627c_o Bake the ikan bilis in the oven for about 10 – 15 minutes (oven temperature are at the printable recipe on page two; link above), until the ikan bilis have just turned a light brown shade (see above). Use a spatula to stir and spread them evenly.
Baked Ikan Bilis Return to oven and continue baking for another 10 minutes, or until the ikan bilis turn a shade of golden brown, as seen in the photo above. At this point, they are crispy and makes a great snack or a savoury topping for many Chinese dishes.
Grinder Pulse the baked ikan bilis in an electric grinder until they become powder. If you do not have an electric grinder, you can see a mortar and pestle to pound them.
Ikan Bilis Powder What you get is fine ikan bilis powder which is very versatile – you can use it as a condiment for plain porridge or as a secret seasoning ingredient in many types of dishes (such as soups and stir fries). Store in an air tight container in a cool and dry place (such as the fridge).

92 comments on “Ikan Bilis Powder”

  1. Fantastic step-by-step pics! I am sold too. ;) Now, to get that grinder you have … I am always so tempted to buy one whenever I see the lady do the demo. :P

  2. Uhhh I do love ikan teri (that is what we call) too. We have very similar grinder that I use a lot for making smooth paste as well.

  3. Homemade ikan bilis powder looks nice to try. I cook a lot ikan bilis but never make the powder. Thanks a lot for the awesome pictorial :)

  4. Sorry to ask this silly question as I seldom use my oven. Do you need to preheat the oven before baking this?

  5. I used to make this to add into porridge for my girls when they were babies.

  6. what’s e brand of the blender in your photo? Do you know what other uses for it other than grind into powder?

    • the brand is U-Like. It’s sold at shopping malls such as Tangs and Isetan (in Singapore). Always got someone doing demo. It comes with 2 blades – the straight one you see in this post, and a crossed one which is good for making smoothies because can crush ice. can use to grind chilli paste too.

  7. Ohhh I used to snack on these dried ikan bilis as a kid!

  8. Did you get your “clean” ikan bilis from the wet market or supermarket? ;p ….Your blender looks like the Magic Bullet. :p

    • from Fu Hua. Not not all the Fu Hua has it. I bought it at the outlet in Bedok interchange, where they have dried ikan bilis selling by weight hehe

  9. What a great idea! I have a bag of ikan bilis and it’s taking up a lot of space!

  10. I have never grind anchovies into powder. Definitely a great idea!!

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