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Easy Steamed Fish

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Easy Steamed Fish
Easy steamed fish (清蒸鱼)

I learnt this super easy way of cooking steamed fish from my mum and to me, this dish is perfect in every way.

Perfect because … this dish cost about S$4 (cheap!), 10 minutes to prepare (easy!) and 10 minutes to cook (fast!). It’s super healthy, and no messy clean ups later. It has all my favourite tastes (salty/spicy/tangy) as well as favourite food ingredients like ginger, spring onions, mushrooms, chili, tomato and sour plums. I lick up every last drop of the water that comes from steaming the fish… so satisfying! =D

This is so easy that you can whip this up when you’re cooking for one person too. Simply cook some rice (or porridge) while you are steaming the fish and you have a healthy, delicious home cooked meal in no time. To me, this certainly beats eating crappy & unhealthy food court meals for around the same price ;p

Salted Plums
My bottle of salted plums

Easy Steamed Fish

Note: If you like a recipe for steaming a whole fish, check out my Teochew steamed fish recipe.

(Serves 1-2)
Note: If cooking for more, just use a bigger piece of fish and add more of the other ingredients accordingly to fill the plate.

– 1 small cut of fish (about 150g onwards)
– 1 thick stalk spring onions, cut to 2 inch lengths
– 5 slices ginger, sliced thinly
– 1 chilli padi, sliced thinly (adjust or omit to your liking)
– 1/2 to 1 tomato, cut to small wedges
– 2 shiitake mushrooms, sliced thinly
– 1 sour plum (aka salted plum)
– 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
– 2 tbsp water (or more if you like more “soup”)


1. Place fish (skin side down) in a deep plate. Drizzle light soy sauce and water over the fish. Keep in fridge (covered) for at least 30 minutes if you can.
2. Scatter the rest of the ingredients evenly over the fish.
3. Steam on high heat for 10-15 minutes (note: for the small piece I had, it is cooked after 10 minutes of steaming).

Steamed Fish (clean plate!)
Clean plate, a sign of satisfaction (or greed?)

63 comments on “Easy Steamed Fish”

  1. yummy! i love steamed fish, this reminds me of the teochew way of steaming except for the salted vegetables :) I loved making steamed fish for myself while studying in London too! (yours look soo good!)

  2. I have not tried adding sour plum to my steamed fish, I think this is a great idea! :)

  3. Nice & easy! :up: :wink:

  4. My father do this quite often till we were so scare of it. But he add some salted veg too. So “teochew”. :P I kinda miss it now. :-) Miss not having to lift a finger and having everything laid on the dinner table for me. :P

  5. Lydia, thanks for sharing… I’ll try your method sometime =)

    Kalyn, thanks for your kind words … the preserved sour plums are really excellent for Chinese steamed fish =)

    didally, wah you eat the fish skin!! :O

    LCOM, yes the sour plums are those that are served in the bottle type (preserved in water)… hope you can find it there =)

    margot, thanks! ^o^

    js, it’s the preserved type of sour plums that’s sold in asian grocery stores and they go very well with steamed fish =)

    Joyce, hahaha … but it’s quite healthy to eat this for supper ;p

    Nate, yes I agree ;p

    tigerfish, u’re another one who eats fish skin ;p hope u get used to your new work soon … take care!

    tastesofhome, yes this is quite ‘teochew’ way of steaming fish… next time I will add some salted veg … I will like it =D

    Ning, yes u must try! =D

    wokkingmum, next time I wanna add some salted veg too if I have … I miss having my mum cook this for me too … now it’s the other way round =P

  6. my mouth is watering. i want some steamed fish too!

  7. Yum! One of my favourite ways with fish! Dinner at your place is always so delish – was eyeing that pumpkin chawan mushi. Very creative!

    Thanks for your kind words, Noobs :)

  8. What beautiful pictures !

  9. Haa..I just bought some fish yesterday and thinking about steaming it for dinner tonight. You are so right about this as easy, healthy and no fuss dish. Sour plum..mhh..I should check that out next time.

  10. This is delicious, healthy comfort food!

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