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Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice

I just bought a new oven (Rowenta Pro 9080) a few weeks back and the first thing I cooked with it is my favourite baked rice. The photo you see above is the baked rice freshly out of the oven, taken on my kitchen countertop.

More baked rice recipes:

As a kid, it was such a treat to eat baked rice at Swensen’s and now as an adult, it is an even greater treat to be able to cook this at home – baked rice anytime I want, with unlimited variations (check out the links above).

Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice Recipe

I love the end result  – the taste of this recipe is quite close to Swensen’s baked rice which I simply adore since young, thanks to CookBake Legacy whom I referenced and adapted the recipe from. If you are having a home party, bake this in disposable aluminium tray for fuss-free clean ups – this recipe can feed quite a few folks and so far, it has been a hit with my friends.

Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice Recipe

193 comments on “Chicken and Mushroom Baked Rice”

  1. Hi hi… I just tried out this and it was yummy!! Thanks for sharing this recipe.. Btw, wat would u suggest I use if I wanted to make seafood baked rice?

  2. Hi Wiffy,
    I used this recipe, and it was my first successful attempt at baked rice, yay! Thanks a lot for sharing! I added sweetcorn niblets too, and they went nicely! Was also thinking raisins would also be a nice touch.
    Just also wanted to point out that you didn’t account for the chicken and mushroom in the instructions (when/how to put it in the pan). But it was not a problem, it was quite easy to figure out ;)
    Thanks for sharing again!

    • Hi Florence, thanks for your kind words and glad it went well! Corn and raisins sound like a good addition to the baked rice, thanks for the ideas.

      For the chicken & mushrooms, the instructions stated step 2. Stir fry or saute them first, then add rice etc and stir fry again… before dishing them into a rice cooker to cook :)

  3. hi wiffy. i’m a total noob when it comes to cooking, but swensens backed rice is one of my favourites, so im determined to learn how to do this! have a few questions though..

    1) if i wanna cook for 2 people, i assume the portions will scale down by half, so its 0.75 cups of rice? i have never cooked rice before, how much does 1 cup of rice equate? and how much water do i need to cook 1 cup of rice?

    2) swensens recipe uses fried chicken, so i guess i will add this in after the rice is cooked (before putting in oven)?

    thanks for your help!

    • for two persons, you can cook either 0.75 or 1 cup (the cup which usually comes with the rice bin, 1 cup = 200ml water) of rice. water is roughly until the first “line” of your pinky finger. or you can ask your mum how much water she usually add.

      yup, if you have cooked fried chicken, you can add this after rice is cooked and before putting in oven. Hope it turns out well :)

  4. Hi there,
    Thank you sooo much for the recipr, have just cooked it and it’s an amazing dish! Thanks;-)

  5. Hey there, I just stumbled upon your blog and I’m loving it! However, I do have a quick question regarding this recipe – after the mushroom and chicken is sauted, do I take the wok off the heat before adding the raw rice? I’m afraid of the rice being hard if I don’t ^__^; Thank you!

    • I’m sorry for my late reply. You don’t have to take the wok off the heat. You can add the rice and stir fry it for a few seconds. Then transfer the contents of the wok to the rice cooker to cook it :)

  6. Wow your food pictures look wonderful! and appetisting..stumbled upon your blog when i searched for pizza..saw your pita bread pizza recipes..didn’t know we can make pizza using pita bread..then came to the baked rice section…was practically drooling at the pictures..just wondering…can i make baked rice using toaster oven? i don’t have any full pledge oven at home..only toaster oven and microwave oven..and where did you get your fish shaped ceramic dish? so cute :)

    thanks…am inspired by you to make some dishes…

  7. Hi,
    Since I dont have an oven at home and i only have a microwave oven with grilling function , is it possible to attain the same results . I love this dish so much !

  8. Hey I just want to thank you for the great idea. I made a baked rice with smoked salmon, onions and broccoli with pasta sauce as a base. It was so easy and my entire family loved it. :)

  9. Hi!

    Thanks for sharing this recipe! I added 1/2 chopped yellow onion and the result was very fragrant. btw can I check if the campbell soup is straight from the can or have to be cooked first? I used it straight from the can and the rice turned out to be rather dry as compared to swensen’s. So I am wondering if we have to prepare the soup (as in add water and boil first)? Would appreciate if you could enlighten me on this.

    Thanks! ^_^

  10. Can i use oven toaster to bake rice?

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